Wedding Wisdom™

How To Choose the Right Wedding-Planning Course For YOU?

12/3/2015 by Deborah McCoy

Aspiring Wedding Planners Need a Great Course!

Wedding planning is a great profession and I speak from experience. It's creative and fun and you meet wonderful people and talented, accomplished wedding professionals. At the same time, you carve your niche, create a successful business and make money...

The questions are: How do you get started? And how do you select a great, professional, wedding-planning course to get you on your way?

The Mistake Most Aspiring Wedding Planners Make...

Many people decide to enter the wedding-planning profession once they marry. They did a great job planning their own wedding and make the choice that this is the occupation that they'd like to pursue for a lifetime.

The problem is: One wedding does not a wedding planner make!

I was actively engaged in the wedding business for over five years before I felt qualified to help brides plan their weddings.

How to Select the Right Wedding-Planning Course...

Education is a must to become a professional wedding planner. Follow these tips for selecting the right course for you and always get your certification before hanging your shingle:

* Is the organization that offers the course an organization of wedding planners and wedding professionals? If not, don't consider it.

* Is wedding planning their only focus, or do they offer other, diverse courses? Weddings should be their ONLY focus.

* Who wrote the course? This is critical. The person who is teaching you should be an expert with lots of experience in the field.

* Does the course offer "Business Development Services"? If not, look elsewhere. What's the point of learning how to plan a wedding, if you don't know how to develop and grow your business?

* Does the course offer ongoing, professional support once you complete it? You will need help as you start and grow your business. Having a professional organization to call or email for support, answers, and information may be the difference between success and failure.

In Conclusion: Wedding Planning IS a Business!

Don't forget that first and foremost, wedding planning is a business. Always select the professional wedding-planning course that goes beyond the course to help you build and grow your business! And that’s why the American Academy of Wedding Professionals stands heads-and-tails above our competition!

You will need all the help and support you can get once you open your doors! And we’re here to provide it to you!

Hope to have you with us!!!

Happy Weddings,

Deborah McCoy
American Academy of Wedding Professionals

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